Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Mom

For my Christian Marriage class, I have to write a rather lengthy essay about how my parents have shaped my life and influenced my personality traits. If any of you have ever heard me talk about my mother, you might have noticed(apart from the crazy awesome impersonation that I do) that sometimes she comes off a bit crazy. I suppose that everyone has a little crazy in them, I know I do. I also know that I got it from my parents.

First, I have my dad, the one who couldn't care less about the fancy things but thinks the world of things that others have almost completely forgotten. He is now dabbling in the art of the HAM radio. My mother, on the other hand, likes nothing except children's books and construction paper projects. I will say with great confidence that I have never seen her experience great joy. Save perhaps once. She was rather elated following her hip replacement surgery, but even that was shrouded by the pain of physical therapy...and the sheet that served as our bathroom door.
I most definitely see both of my parents in myself. My temperament is an annoying mixture of the two. I behave like my father until I get agitated or worked up, which is when my mom's side punches my dad's in the face and asserts herself with great power. This is why Dan and i don't discuss politics. Sometimes I feel like a direct physical manifestation of my parent's relationship.

A good many of my personal staples mimic those of my mother. I tend to keep upsetting things, the details anyway, to myself and just mope around until someone drags the truth out of me. I tend to not be as open with my emotions, and would rather express them in the form of a letter than a conversation face to face. My world view, however, is a direct result of years spent with my father. I tend to like people even if others don't and hover towards the optimistic side of the spectrum. I always worry that when I grow up, I am going to be one of those people my mother classifies as 'dingier than a doornail.' Do unto others as you wish them to do to you, I suppose.
All in all, I love my parents and think they're pretty awesome.

Also, I apologize to everyone they have harassed. This list includes: anyone looking for college scholarships, Nick Dayton, Camp Presmont Board members, Whitesides Staff, St. Clairsville City Schools and my family.


  1. I definitely fall into that first category.
    Though you don't mention it, I believe nearly
    passing away from too much dryer lint inhalation counts as well.

  2. I'm laughing at your apology at the end . . .

  3. From my experience the people that are dingier than doornails are usually the most fun! I am pretty sure I have been called dingier than a doornail several times!
